Quick Catch Up!
Wednesday, December 31, 2014Heey guys! It's been so long, I'm so sorry! A lot has gone on since the last time I blogged, and it's already New Years Eve. Wow. This year has flown by, and to be honest, I am so glad about that because this year has been crap.
First things first, I'm the realest;-) I'm joking, but I have the unfortunate job of telling you all that my gorgeous Barn Owl, Breeze, died. She passed away on the 6th December, and to say I was devastated is an understatement. I still cannot believe she has gone. She was my best friend, she taught me soo much. She made me fall in love with Owls, and because of her Barn Owls are my favourite, and always will be. She taught me to be patient, not everything I want comes quickly, it takes time. She also taught me to be more confident, this may sound silly to some, but she helped me become much more confident. I felt that with her, I could do anything! I could be who I wanted to be, I could express myself and help people learn more about these wonderful birds with her help. She helped me through so much, and I could not be more grateful to have had her in my life. She will always be with me, and I will always remember her. Over this past year, my family and I have also become friends with an old teacher of mine, and I wouldn't be talking to her without Breeze. Words cannot describe her.
Unfortunately, due to her passing, we had to get another Barn Owl. I preferably wanted a boy, as I didn't want to get another female to 'replace' Breeze, she is irreplaceable. Luckily, I managed to find babies that were only 4 weeks old, unfortunately, I got the little one only a week after Breezes passing. I have to say it was tough. It's going to be tough, but I have to go through that. Birds just aren't made to live long periods of time. But I bought a baby Barn Owl, and I called him Bear. I have to say he has brought back the light to my world, although he can be a little ass at night ;-). He is like a baby, you need to pay constant attention, and sleeps a lot! He is gorgeous though, and he is just starting to get all of his feathers and I can't wait to take him out on walks in the next couple of months. If you want to see his transformation, you should go check out my Instagram: @Konnieee16. I am posting as much as I can, without spamming everyone!!
I hope that everyone has had a great Christmas, and I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Let 2015 be our year. What are your New Years Resolutions? Mine are to lose a bit of weight, and focus on the birds. Tweet me yours to: @BOPandothers!
Peace out guys. I'll speak to you in the new year ;-)