Thursday, September 08, 2016
September is one of my favourite months! I love the gradual change over to Autumn, and the crisper days. It means I can wear my coat without sweating whilst just walking - plus it makes me feel like a glamorous woman ;) - and wear scarfs again! Woop! I'm all for it, I just wish the evenings were a lot lighter. I hate, hate, hate how it gets dark around 8pm! It's not fair! Where did our long summer nights go?!
I feel like since I last did a Monthly Goal video, I've somewhat gotten worse at doing set things. I've had the same 'To Do' list for the past three months! This month, however, I want to change that! Here are my 5 Goals for this month!
1. Exercise and drink more water
I'm not going to specify how much, because I know that will make me crazy. I just want to exercise as much as I can throughout the month! After all, the 'summer body' is built in the winter, I need a headstart as I've got my winter body from about 5 years ago! I also sometimes forget to drink. Literally anything at all. Then I get a sudden headache, and I instantly remember. I want to keep hydrated! This will help me want to exercise, and hopefully keep the spots away!
2. Take more videos
I'm a person who will take lots of pictures, of pretty much anything, yet as soon as I hit 'record' I get nervous and clammy and it's not a good mix! I need to gain some more confidence and just video everything! I would rather film lots than regret not filming something later!
3. Appreciate the small things
Okay, so this one has been in lots of my previous 'monthly goals' posts. I am starting to, I will stop and greet a dog and speak to the owner, I will talk to someone waiting at the bus stop. I do appreciate it all, however I want it to be a conscious decision. I shouldn't have to mull it over in my head, before I act on it. I love the little things, they are what everyone should be looking for. They are the memories you hold dear, the ones that aren't planned!
4. Procrastinate less
Everyone procrastinates! It's a normal thing. Today, instead of going and flying the birds before 7pm, I decided to clean the kitchen. By that I mean throughly! I don't know why I did it, as I absolutely love flying the birds! I need to be more creative with my free time, instead of just throwing things to do 'later' or the next day!
5. Try some new things
I'm not one for change. As soon as I like something though, I will have it constantly! I want to keep trying new things! Whether that is food, exercise, drinks, or just a simple activity. No more taking things for granted!
Do you make goals of your own? If so, how often do you make them?