Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hiiiiiii! I know, I know, I know. It's been too long, to say my life has been manic, would be the understatement of the century!

Let's have a little catch up, shall we?

I've been so busy, with the birds, with our business, with life in general! Unfortunately, during this, my blog has had to take a back seat! I'm hoping to change this; I want to start doing every-other day posts! If you have any suggestions, or things you would want to read, comment it down below!

The birds... Everything with the birds is constantly manic. I may or may not have got another one - I am aiming to do a blog post on him over the weekend, I need to get some good pictures of him! - I've also been focusing on Remi, and trying to slowly put the other birds down for moult. If you want to see some sneak pictures of him, follow me on Snapchat (Konnieee16)! 

Owlando (Bubba) has also taken centre stage - hoping to get him flying and running everywhere!
Although I love the birds, it is a 24/7 job, it's something that I love immensely doing, but is such a big commitment. 


I'm a very sentimental person, and so have taken to filming the birds more often. I love going back and looking at pictures of them, but I feel like videos of them are much more personal. It's shows how my life was with them, how cute they were when they were babies, how much everything has changed! I can't wait to hit the fields with them this weekend, and get some autumn pictures/videos of them!

I can't wait for some snow pictures with this one!

If you want to see a video of the birds, follow me on Twitter, and subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can see when I upload! 


I've been completely obsessed with BlogLovin'! I love seeing other people's blog posts, what other people are loving, some workout stuff! I adore it, if you want to follow me, I'm constantly on it!


What things would you like me to post about on here? Leave a comment below!



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